Welcome to the Lifeworks official Denmark Travel blog.

This is going to be the place to go to get all the info you need about the Denmark trip. We will constantly be updating the site with Traveler Info, Photos, Video, Updates, News, Maps, Locations, and just about anything else you might want to know about the Denmark trip.

Also, we will be using this blog to communicate with everyone before, during, and after the trip. That means the folks left at home will have up to the day info about what is going on in Denmark when we are there. So, when we are at Hamlet's castle, we will post comments and photos that day so you can be right there with us.Stay tuned here for more updates and info!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

We made the paper!

We made the Aalborg paper which had a nice article about the Harvest Festival and the Lifeworks All Star Band who played at it! It is in Danish, but there is one photo of some of the band members. The article highlighted that Lifeworks traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to attend and play at the Harvest Festival. They played numbers by Bob Dylan, John Denver, and their own song about the current events in America. The song talked about the wars in Irac and Afghanistan and the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. One line in the song was, "BP oil is gonna have to pay." The band played in the rock style with a steady rhythm.

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