Welcome to the Lifeworks official Denmark Travel blog.

This is going to be the place to go to get all the info you need about the Denmark trip. We will constantly be updating the site with Traveler Info, Photos, Video, Updates, News, Maps, Locations, and just about anything else you might want to know about the Denmark trip.

Also, we will be using this blog to communicate with everyone before, during, and after the trip. That means the folks left at home will have up to the day info about what is going on in Denmark when we are there. So, when we are at Hamlet's castle, we will post comments and photos that day so you can be right there with us.Stay tuned here for more updates and info!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lifeworks sister program VASAC

Lifeworks has been visiting a sheltered workshop and day program in Denmark for years. I think of them as our sister program. On our trip we will spend Thursday October 22 with them and Monday October 26 with them. Plus they are the host organziation for the Grand Prix this year. Here is the link to their web site. We will see their media shop in downtown Slagelse where they sell tee-shits, the job sites they work at, and their day programs.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Click here for Presentation

The Thursday language session hosted by Alex was amazing. Can you say Sandwich in Danish? I personally was exhausted. My mouth is not used to all those sounds. It is a good thing that HI in Danish is still HI. I can handle that. Now, HI HI in Danish means goodbye. Are you a little confused? Click on the link above to get the presentation Alex used. Try your hand at the Danish language!

Be sure to make it to the next Danish language session on October 1 from 6:30 to 7:30. It is tons of fun.

Hi Hi for now.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grand Prix 2005 Video

This is not great video, but it shows you the arena where the Grand Prix was held, a few different groups of people, and the VASAC band playing American Rock-n-Roll music. VASAC is the program that we will be touring while in Denmark.

Keith Is a Denmark Traveler!

Name: Keith Fossum
Age: 42
City of Residence: Burnsville, MN

What is the furthest from home you have ever been?
California visiting relatives.

What is the most exotic food you have ever eaten?
I just stick to the basics. No exotic foods.

What is your biggest fear about traveling to Denmark?
I actually don't have any. I am relaxed because everything is put together so well. I am not afraid of anything.

What about the Denmark trip are you most excited about?
I am just excited to be able to go on vacation. When I first heard about it I just grabbed the opportunity and said "Mom grab you checkbook because the sooner we get our money in the sooner my spot gets held."

Why are you traveling to Denmark?
Because I always wanted to go to Europe and I would never be able to go by myself. It's something different. There are things there that we don't have here. Another reason I am excited is because I know everyone I am going with. Nobody is a complete stranger.

What are your favorite music groups?
I listen to cool 108. I listen to some country, but realize we won't be listening to that over there.

What are your favorite movies?
I just went to see Julia and Julia. That's a good one and all the Sound of Music movies. Another movie I am excited to see is Harry Potter.

What is your favorite possession?
I own lots of things but I am going to say, my business. I own lots of things, but the business is all mine.

What is your favorite kind of food?
Hamburgers, spaghetti, ham, you know, lots of stuff.

Will you pack anything unusual?
I will probably pick up an MP3 player. I don't have one, but Sue will help me go get one. I will bring a card holder and UNO.

2005 Video of Grand Prix

Video Clips from the 2005 Grand Prix of Bands in Denmark. The first clip is the band, Mickey-Rean, who won the competition. The second band was my favorite band - although they did not win.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Check out the website for the Grand Prix of Bands event we will be attending on October 24, 2009 in Denmark. If you click on "Bands" at the top of the page you can see the list of bands who are participating. If you click on the band name, you will see a picture of the band.

This is the band Mickey-Rean who won first place in the 2005 Grand Prix that Judy, Jim, and I attended.

Mary Lenertz

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Language Classes This Thursday

Come to the Lifeworks Eagan Location for Danish language classes this Thursday at 6:30 PM. We have the esteemed Alex Pederson conducting the session. not only is he a Danish native, he can also speak the language eloquently. Go figure. He will give us some pointers, tips, and sayings to help out as we journey into the land of Denmark. Come if you can!