Welcome to the Lifeworks official Denmark Travel blog.

This is going to be the place to go to get all the info you need about the Denmark trip. We will constantly be updating the site with Traveler Info, Photos, Video, Updates, News, Maps, Locations, and just about anything else you might want to know about the Denmark trip.

Also, we will be using this blog to communicate with everyone before, during, and after the trip. That means the folks left at home will have up to the day info about what is going on in Denmark when we are there. So, when we are at Hamlet's castle, we will post comments and photos that day so you can be right there with us.Stay tuned here for more updates and info!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flight Numbers and Times

I am going to be getting more travel info out really soon (by end of week), but wanted to make sure everyone had flight information right away. By the end of the week I will have the Traveler's Checklist, Trip Schedule, Group Check in Info. I will also get the Danish Language Presentation up so we can all practice. Here is the Flight Info:

Flight Date Depart Arrive Depart Time Arrive Time
NW0056 T 10/20 Minneapolis Amsterdam 9:15PM 12:30PM
NW8431 T 10/21 Amsterdam Copenhagen 3:15PM 4:35PM
NW8428 L 10/27 Copenhagen Amsterdam 12:20PM 1:50PM
NW0055 L 10/27 Amsterdam Minneapolis 3:30PM 6:35PM

1 comment:

  1. Flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam has changed to 10:35AM to 12:05PM
    Flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis has changed to 2:40PM to 6:00PM
